Friday 24 June 2016

One Day Amboseli Tour | Amboseli National Park Day Trips – Nairobi to Amboseli One (1) Day Tours Safaris

1 Daytrip in Amboseli, Amboseli-one-day-excursions in Nairobi – One (1) day Amboseli tours safaris, 1 day Nairobi to Amboseli safaris, 1- day Amboseli trips from Nairobi city, amboseli national park day trip

Amboseli National Park One (1) Day Tour

Amboseli is one of the most popular national parks in Kenya and you can organize a 1 or 2 day safari to this park. The Amboseli is located some 280km from Nairobi at the border with Tanzania and the foot of Africas highest mountain- the Kilimanjaro mountain. The Amboseli one (1) day trip is organized from Nairobi even at last minute and you can either book a private tour or a joining group package. These trips are most popular over the weekend and its more likely to get a group on a weekend. You may however have less time to do the amboseli day trip in which case you can go for a nairobi national park game drive tour. Join a Group tour to amboseli and enjoy good discounts, click here: Amboseli joining day tour

Viewing Kilimanjaro from Amboseli One (1) Day Tour

Amboseli is most popular for the great views of the Kilimanjaro ice covered peak kibo. The Kilimanjaro forms a formidable presence in the park with its peak jutting into the blue skies and its hard to make out the ice covered peak among the white clouds. The Kilimanjaro is such a popular sight and its known as the roof of Africa. Most people that visit the Amboseli are interested mostly to see the mountain peak. 

To see the Amboseli Elephants in a one (1) Day Trip

The next most popular attraction in Amboseli are the hundreds of elephants that can be seen loitering in the savannah or near the water sources. Amboseli national park day trip will bring you close to hundreds of elephants that can be seen swimming in the water or feeding on the water grass when they are half immersed in the pools. These elephants are so used to vehicles that they will come as close as 10ft from your car.

Lake Amboseli One (1) Day Safari

The Amboseli is also known for the lake Amboseli which is a vast expanse of seasonal lake that is completely dry on the dry season and wet in the wet seasons. The lake Amboseli creates some mirage of water in the dry season that animals follow on end trying to get to the water.

Get Discounted amboseli trips, click here: Amboseli joining tours


Friday 20 February 2015

One Day Amboseli Tours | Amboseli National Park Day Trips – Nairobi to Amboseli One (1) Day Tours

1 Daytrip in Amboseli, Amboseli-one-day-excursions in Nairobi – One (1) day Amboseli tours safaris, 1 day Nairobi to Amboseli safaris, 1- day Amboseli trips from Nairobi city,

Amboseli National Park One (1) Day Tour

Amboseli is one of the most popular national parks in Kenya and you can organize a 1 or 2 day safari to this park. The Amboseli is located some 280km from Nairobi at the border with Tanzania and the foot of Africas highest mountain- the Kilimanjaro mountain. The Amboseli one (1) day trip is organized from Nairobi even at last minute and you can either book a private tour or a joining group package. These trips are most popular over the weekend and its more likely to get a group on a weekend. If you dont have enough time for amboseli day trip, you can opt for a short 4 hour or half day sightseeing safari in nairobi wildlife park.

Join a group amboseli trip and enjoy great prices, click here: Amboseli Group Tour

Viewing Kilimanjaro from Amboseli One (1) Day Tour

Amboseli is most popular for the great views of the Kilimanjaro ice covered peak kibo. The Kilimanjaro forms a formidable presence in the park with its peak jutting into the blue skies and its hard to make out the ice covered peak among the white clouds. The Kilimanjaro is such a popular sight and its known as the roof of Africa. Most people that visit the Amboseli are interested mostly to see the mountain peak. 

To see the Amboseli Elephants in a one (1) Day Trip

The next most popular attraction in Amboseli are the hundreds of elephants that can be seen loitering in the savannah or near the water sources. Amboseli national park day trip will bring you close to hundreds of elephants that can be seen swimming in the water or feeding on the water grass when they are half immersed in the pools. These elephants are so used to vehicles that they will come as close as 10ft from your car.

Find details on prices and available seats from Robert on (254)(0)722 661 827 or by email at 

Lake Amboseli One (1) Day Safari

The Amboseli is also known for the lake Amboseli which is a vast expanse of seasonal lake that is completely dry on the dry season and wet in the wet seasons. The lake Amboseli creates some mirage of water in the dry season that animals follow on end trying to get to the water.
Get details on the best cost joining group tour to amboseli, click here: Amboseli 1 day group excursion


Friday 27 December 2013

1 Day Amboseli Tour | Amboseli Tour 2015 – One (1) Day Amboseli Safari Trip

1- Day Amboseli Tour; [One (1)- Day] Amboseli Park Tour - 1 Day Amboseli - Trip January,February, March, April is a full 1 day Amboseli tours and safari


1 Day Amboseli tour 2015 is one of the most exciting day safaris from Nairobi. The amboseli 1 day tour starts at 6:00am and it includes a 5hr game drive and a picnic bush lunch at the park. Amboseli national park day tour is well known for its vast herds of elephants and other animals including the spectacular view of Mt. Kilimanjaro. For people that have less than a full day in nairobi to spare, you have an option of half day or 4hr nairobi sightseeing trip. Get discounted prices for amboseli day trip, click here: Join in amboseli trips

Which Animals Can I See In a 1 Day Amboseli Tour?

There are many animals to see in Amboseli national park including the elephants, lions, hippos, giraffes, gazelles, wildebeest, cheetahs, leopards, baboons and many others. The park is however more popular for its over 1500 elephants found here which can be seen at any place around the swamp areas. The Amboseli national park elephants have been studied for more than 30 years and they are all identifiable from collected data.

A game drive in Amboseli national park will take you around the swamp areas which are full of animals and birds and it’s not difficult to see a lion at a hippo kill or eating a buffalo carcass. The hippos can be easily seen from the observation hill and their numbers is so large that you will be amazed.

Which Birds Are Found In Amboseli National Park In a 1 Day Tour?

The Amboseli national park day safari is also well known for its large population of 450 species of birds. The birds in Amboseli include the hadada ibis, African jacana, African crested crane, marabou stork, goliath heron, great white pelican, grey heron, sacred ibis, warblers, barbets, woodpecker, weaver birds, waxbills, thrush, tinkerbirds, Egyptian geese, kingfisher, Madagascar bee eater, vultures, go away bird, hammerkorp, egrets, ox peckers and many others.

These birds can be seen near the water pools and in the bush and forests around the park. There are many resident and migratory birds in this park which makes it a favorite destination for bird watchers from Nairobi that want to do a day trip here.